One Year Down...

{This post is cheesy. Read at your own discretion.}

So we have been married a year. A YEAR. I don't believe it! I can honestly say marrying Andrew was the best decision I have ever made in my life and now that we have each other I don't know how I lived before being married to him. I truly feel that marrying Andrew at this time in my life was inspired, and God knew I needed him when he sent him my way. Looking back on our first year of marriage, in some ways it seems to have flown, in other ways it has been the longest year of my life. I feel like Andrew experienced more in one year than a lot of people experience in a lifetime. There were lots of ups and a few downs, but because of this kid I have laughed (pretty hard) and smiled every single day for the last year. 

In a nutshell, here is what happened in our first year of marriage...
  • We got married (duh)
  • Moved twice (once to Orem, once to my mom's)
  • My mom was diagnosed with Lymphoma (booo...)
  • Welcomed a new niece and nephew! (this totally rocked)
  • Fell in love with skiing
  • Took one spinning class together, dropped some serious dough on spandex with pads in the butt, then never went back
  • Bought a barbeque (best purchase yet)
  • Andrew graduated from BYU (boo-ya)
  • Experienced the passing of my dad (super boo)
  • Had some good times in Mexico, Moab, Las Vegas, Colorado, Lake Powell, and St.Geezy.
  • We both got new jobs and headed up to Salt Lake
  • Trained for a half marathon then never ran it (whoops) 
  • We both picked up second jobs reffing together to save some extra dough and bought official reffing clothes
  • Andrew got accepted to Law School(woot!)
  • Helped care for my dad's mom, Phyllis who lives with us at my moms
  • Spent a good chunk of our first summer's income on snow cones and Sub-Zero
  • Played 78 (yes, 78) games of ping pong (I'm winning - 42-36 in case you were wondering)
  • Watched all seasons of Friday Night Lights and most seasons of 24
Looking back at the first year of marriage, there was a lot of learning. Mostly me learning from Andrew. From him I have learned to have fun, enjoy family, slow down a little, and that even when things get hard things can still be good. 

In spite of some of our bumps in the road, this year has been the best of my life because I've had this guy by my side - I love him more than ever. 

We had a fabulous weekend, complete with some gorgeous flowers and a nice night downtown. We spent the evening browsing a few shops downtown, taking some pictures of the pretty flowers, and did some wining and dining at the Melting Pot. 

It was absolutely perfect!

One year down...


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