Labor Day Weekend at the Lake

This past weekend we decided we would do Labor Day right and bring summer to a close in our favorite place ever...Lake Powell. Andrew invited some of the guys from his work for this trip and my colleague came with his wife and daughter. It was such a fun time and I’m so sad to see summer coming to an end.

It was so much fun to host this group! Everyone was so nice and helpful and lots of fun to be around. We spent our days eating, skiing, surfing, tubing, wakeboarding (a couple of the guys were pros and it was SO fun to watch them throw backflips and amazing other tricks!) eating, napping, and playing lots of games! I had so much fun prepping and making lots of yummy meals for the group. This trip went so smooth because both Andrew and I knew what to expect and were better able to prepare to host a large group. It made my soul happy to be on the water and to share my favorite place, hobbies and foods with new people. 

We went back and forth when deciding to bring Chance with us because we have carted him around so much this summer, but I’m so glad we decided to. He is the best little travel buddy and loves the boat and even though he is the busiest kid ever he was so much fun to have along.

^This might be one of my favorite pictures ever!^
We played lots of games. I loved it! It does my heart good to see people putting down their phones and playing actual board games and laughing and talking to each other. 
On Sunday we took a boat drive to this awesome slot canyon where we did some sight seeing and jumped off some rocks. There is something about being outside and in a pretty place that is actually spiritual to me.

I feel closer to God in these places than anywhere else, and the whole time we were in Lake Powell I couldn’t help but say prayers of gratitude for my family, my health, and my life. We have had an extra fun summer, and I often times feel guilty for having things be fun and good when so many people suffer and have hard times. A cute girl I follow on Instagram posted this yesterday and it really spoke to me:

So with fall coming up, I’ve decided to focus this next season on embracing my life’s happiness. To stop feeling guilty for the good. I’ll keep serving others, loving my family, working my hardest, living life to the fullest, staying true to myself, and being eternally grateful for the endless blessings in my life. And I’ll continue having lots of fun along the way.
Bring it on, fall! ✌🏼


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