Lake Powell: Christensen Family Trip!

 We just got home from Lake Powell and it was magical! I needed to blog about it so I don't forget how amazing this time of my life is. I had so many moments this week where I thought "I've never been so happy in my life!" It really was magical. We were able to go with Andrew's family on our 3rd annual family trip and we had such a blast! 

We go to Lake Powell all the time but each time I always get anxious about going with kids. I always get nervous about the water and the houseboat and something bad happening. I just love my little family so much and the idea of some potential heartbreak that could and does happen there is sometimes enough for me to freak myself out and not want to go at all. But this year was amazing! Chance was a great age. He listened really well and followed our safety rules with life jackets and swimming and was so awesome and cute and easy. Ellie wasn't easy because she crawls and is learning to walk and falling everywhere but was a total cutie and took super long naps. 

Andrew found us an awesome beach to stay at in Padre Bay, and it was so shallow that even if Chance had fallen in by accident he would have been able to touch the bottom so it was so great and I was really able to enjoy myself with fewer worries! There was no one on either side of us and the beach was beautiful perfect sand with no "pokies" (weeds) as Chance calls them. 

 I told Andrew this while we were there, but I really do think this is the best and most beautiful phase of my life so far. I'm constantly overwhelmed with love. Sometimes my heart is so full when I look at my family I feel like it actually physically aches. I know that things will come in waves, and that there will be good times and bad times and I'm sure we have plenty of heartache ahead, but right now I just am so full of love and happiness and gratitude. Right now I feel happy, strong, healthy and seeing my family be happy and healthy is just the absolute best. I hope I never forget how content and fulfilled I am at this time in my life. 
Like I said, Ellie was SO much fun. She is so spunky and is getting a fun and silly personality. She's constantly knocking things over just to say "uh-oh" and get a reaction out of me so she can giggle her head offt. She's almost always smiley and constantly on the go. She definitely takes a lot of my energy but she is so much fun. She's also SO snuggly and loves to sit on my lap facing me and snuggle into my chest. Smelling her hair and kissing those squishy cheeks makes me feel like I could burst. I always have a blast snuggling her on the boat and had lots of fun with her in the water this trip. 
Chance is a total ball of energy and sunshine right now. He is so curious, spirited, and adventurous and I'm so happy he got some bravery this trip and decided he wanted to try some new things behind the boat! He hasn't shown much interest in surfing this year (it's quietly been breaking my heart!) but a few days before the trip he randomly said he wanted to go surfing with us. It was a complete shift and we were shocked! He just jumped right in the water and wanted to do it and we had the best time ever. He also dug in the sand THE WHOLE TIME. I really think he could have dug all night and day if we had let him. He is the cutest. 
Andrew is the greatest Captain in Lake Powell. He's so optimistic, relaxed, and just really good for me. I'm so happy with how our marriage is going! Seeing how he loves our kids and teaches and plays with them, but also loves me and makes me feel seen and appreciated is really great and I feel really lucky he's mine. In Lake Powell he works SO hard the whole time to make sure everyone is safe, the boats are all hooked up, and that everyone is taken care of. And the weirdest thing is he loves it. He goes non-stop and even wakes up in the night to make sure the ropes are tight on the houseboat and that everything is good. He does it all with a smile on his face. He's also a total kid behind the boat and it is my very favorite thing to see him having so much fun on the water. Him rocking his sunglasses and short shorts is probably my favorite thing about Lake Powell! 😜He's so yummy! 
^^Cutest matching twinners!^^

Pirate Day was a hit as always. Andrew went all out this year and even purchased us both official pirate attire. It was hilarious and he is such a maniac. The kids loved finding their buried treasure! 

^^Ellie hated her eye patch^^

I'm so sad the trip is over! It was a blast and I can't wait until next time! 


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